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Two gallery wrapped canvases, each 36 x 60 inches
$20,600 unframed

Exhibiting: Dominique Boisjoli Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM


About this oil:
As it happened, I began this oil in 2019 and after a move and lack of space to continue working on it there, the oil went into storage. After regaining a large space and equipment, it came out of storage and I was able to continue the work, finishing the two panels in 2021. 


It felt great to get back into this large piece and it seemed to paint itself. The scene is a reflection of stems and foliage, all arrayed in an arrangement of glowing blues.


With a piece of this scope, it's important to keep it interesting across the 10 foot span. There is movement and interest everywhere, and as it turns out, the motion and color are equally important.


It was a thrill to layer on the colors and see the unexpected results in real-time. I really didn't want to stop, but the doorbell rang... it was Monet. We had a great visit.

Resumed - Blue Conversation, oils on canvas, 36" x 60" each, 48" x 120" total


    Castle Rock, CO
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