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New work: Bright Stand, oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches

Updated: Jan 31

Bright Stand, oil on canvas, 36 x 36 in.

Exhibiting: Renjeau Gallery, Natick, MA $5700 framed / on reserve To purchase

About this oil:

This oil began as a demonstration in my recent art class. The idea was to create a colorful forest scene, but in an abstracted way. It began with this simple compositional idea and from there I filled the canvas with a wall of color and in the front, a cacophony of brush strokes.

There were a lot of puzzles to solve at that point, but working through the chaos, I pushed forward with color… a lot of color. By doing so, I was actually adding to the chaos but regardless, the oil was becoming much more expressive and interesting.

At the start, the background tree wall was created in blues and pale reds but it needed more, so I made all of it brighter, removed some of the foliage and then the composition began to drive the oil. The bright wall in the back encouraged brighter colors everywhere and I was happy go along.

The painting came to a nice conclusion, fulfilling what I had set out to do with an abundance of color and expressiveness.

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Castle Rock, CO
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